astrology and healing center Chicago
Chicago home blessing Chicago Home Blessing Home blessings can be conducted by an officiant or layperson to benefit the new homeowners at a house warming party. A home blessing can be a great gift for the new homeowner or someone moving into a new residence. The ceremony can be religious or not, depending on the new home owner’s wishes. A blessing is healing to the environment and purifies the spaces you occupy during your day. These can be anything from work, home, vehicle or even your favorite hang out. The purpose of the ceremony is to harmonize and tune your space to bring positive energy to it. Chicago home blessing Have you ever walked into a place and felt that dragging feeling or an emptiness? That space needs a blessing, there are negative forces that cause these empty fields and negative thoughts are more easily found in negative spaces. Bringing a positive force through the blessing will create positive energy for your thoughts to flourish. Change brings on some negative forces, such as a new life entering the space. Many people visiting for a long period of time, construction or alterations to the original space, or just rearranging furniture can cause a negative field to open. However when these fields become overwhelming symptoms may manifest such as depression, lack of energy, loss of concentration, low libido, and even severe doubt in yourself or low self-esteem. Astrology & Crystals House Cleansing or Blessing will rid the negative fields from your space and only attract the positive energy you need to overcome these symptoms.

Contact us to schedule a home blessing!  773.596.9902