astrology and healing center Chicago

Business & Life Coaching

Achieve your goals and tap into your unlimited potential with guidance from our head psychic and business owner, Faith.

Business Coaching

Reach and exceed goals in your professional life, gain the promotion you deserve. Our clients include big brands also and With our help, you can have that focus, drive, ambition that you are missing in your professional career. If you think the other guys have a natural advantage, your wrong! Everyone has the same ability and all you need is to have someone open the lock to release the energy, mindset, or push you in the right direction. We can help you with that problem you have at work, find answers, and get the job done right.

Healthy Life Coaching

Promoting a healthier being is a lifestyle change, not a fast fix. As a Life Coach, Faith will help you achieve your goals, releasing unlimited potential in work, love, life, and spirituality. Some areas benefiting from a Life Coach are:

  • Stress or Anger Management
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Career Advancement
  • Coping with Loss or Illness
  • Dream Exploration
  • Becoming a New Parent
  • Your Spirituality
  • Relationship Troubles

Daily Stress Management

Stress is a major factor in heart and health issues, reducing the stress level in your life can help you live longer and be happier while doing it! The first step is identifying the stressors in your life, while working with a therapist you will learn to better deal with and overlook the stress in your day.

Life’s Changes and Relationships

Change always abounds, there is never one day the same as the next, one relationship the same as the last, and never a feeling like the one you remember. Learning how to overcome the fear of change, the loss of that relationship or the up-coming changes you may experience will let you live a free, happy life with no regrets. Get the roadmap you need to navigate these changes with ease, visualize and achieve those goals so you may expand your mind, body, and soul for more. Some of the goals focused on this session may be:

  • Listening development
  • Building blocks of good relationships
  • Emotional development and guidance
  • Communication goals and successes
  • Conflict resolution and development skills
  • Passion as a tool
  • Career relationships
  • Coping with loss and developing from it

Standard Sessions

Healthy Life Coaching – 45-minute session

Business Coaching – 60-minute session

Ready for guidance in your career or life?