Who are these amazing beings?
Indigo children are awakened beings, born with the purpose of helping the world shift into a higher consciousness. They challenge outdated systems—education, politics, religion, medicine, and more—to pave the way for a new era of peace, unity, and harmony. These children carry universal wisdom and have a clear vision of how the world can transform.
What is an Indigo?
The term “Indigo” refers to their unique life aura, which is deep blue in color. This aura signifies their mission on Earth, the lessons they are here to learn, and their strong, distinct personalities. Indigo children are often the “pioneers,” leading the way for future generations with their spiritual awareness and advanced gifts.
Traits of Indigo Children
Indigo children are old souls who possess immense intelligence, intuition, and creativity. They are self-reliant, strong-willed, and independent. Their deep compassion drives them to help others, but they can be highly sensitive to dishonesty and injustice. They thrive on challenge and are fearless in tackling life’s difficulties. However, they often feel misunderstood, especially in school, where they can be misdiagnosed with conditions like ADD, ADHD, or Bi-Polar due to their need for stimulation and deeper learning.
Indigos tend to resist authority and structures that do not serve their purpose. They may struggle socially and feel like outsiders in their own world. Their highly intuitive nature makes them sensitive to energy, and they are often drawn to artistic, technological, and spiritual pursuits.
The Struggles of Indigo Children
Indigo children often face difficulties in traditional school systems, feeling disconnected and frustrated by what they perceive as “inferior” education. They may be labeled with behavioral disorders and prescribed medication that dulls their spiritual sensitivity, making them feel disconnected from their true purpose. These drugs, while intended to help them “fit in,” often suppress their natural gifts and abilities.
Many Indigo children feel lost, misunderstood, and even rejected by their families and society. Despite their incredible potential, they often face emotional challenges, including anger, depression, or feeling “alien” to the world around them.
How We Can Help
At the Psychic Alternative Healing Center of Chicago, we offer support for Indigo children and adults by helping them reconnect with their true selves, clear negative energy, and find balance. Through natural healing methods, such as Reiki, lightworker protection shields, and spiritual guidance, we can help these extraordinary beings fulfill their mission and live fulfilling lives.
Call us at 773.596.9902 or email us to learn how we can assist you in unlocking your full potential.