Remote Live Readings

We Offer Live Psychic Readings Online via Skype & Telephone

Are you looking for a lost love, a special someone, a glimpse of hope in relationships you are struggling with? You can find the answers with a live psychic reading. Call Astrology and Crystals today to speak with one of our Practitioners for advanced reading and get a FREE question answered immediately! A live psychic reading can help you understand your universe. In other words, psychic reading helps you discover more about the world around you than you can see yourself. A real psychic will be able to see glimpses of the future, or of spiritual forces around you. From what the psychic sees, you can make better-informed decisions about your future. Good psychics will tell you that they believe in free will and the subject’s right to choose. The real benefits you get from reading can be as great as you are willing to let them be. Our readings range from 15 minutes to over an hour, depending on how much detail, information, or depth you wish to get out of the reading. Palm, Tarot, Psychic, Aura, and Angelic Card readings were given daily. However, we can perform more than one for a much more detailed answer to your biggest questions about life, love, or work. If you call today and schedule a reading, we will give you one FREE question, up to 5 minutes!

Find the answers today! Call or stop in for your FREE question (up to 5 minutes), 773.596.9902