astrology and healing center Chicago

Codes and healing methods for indigo children

Call us for an appointment and we will help you unlock your full potential – Cheyenee 773.596.9902

These codes work best for indigo children:

ASCENDED MASTER CODES The Master Hierarchy includes gracious Master alignments, where you can access the precious master vibration you radiate with. ENLIGHTENMENT MASTER CODES The Enlightenment Master Codes are spiritual blessings from the Creator to assist beings like you on this planet with clearings, healings, and activations of self-mastery that will help to attune into the emerging Golden Age. ASCENSION MASTER CODES The most important aspects of these Healing Codes are the clearance of the negative pattern you constantly create, the alignment to the Higher Aspects of your spirit and soul, and finally boosting your light quotient. CLEARING MASTER CODES The Clearing Master Codes include intense clearing processes as well as activations to assist people in living as a master in the third and fourth-dimensional world we call Earth. EMPOWERMENT MASTER CODES The energies of the Empowerment Master Codes are much deeper than third-dimensional words can ever convey. The colors and the composition of each transmission are encoded with literally zillions of frequencies that are calibrated to each of you in the NOW. MYSTERY MASTER CODES These twenty-six sequencing Mystery Master Codes help you to awaken your inner divinity and the attributes of mastery and mystic that reside within your multidimensional heart. STARSEED MASTER CODES These series of codes are powerful starseed blessings, activations, and star-gate alignments that are part of the cosmic heart-oriented approach to ascension. Each of these powerful mastery activations helps provide YOU the energetic support light-workers, healers and starseeds need to accomplish their world service contracts with the Creator ANGELIC HEALING CODES Angelic Healing Codes are a very easy, simple way to receive sacred Angelic Healing activations, attunements, healings, and clearings from the Angelic Councils of Love who is here to assist all beings in this world and planet to bring in great healing, great mastery, and to assist beings to embody the highest state of love that they can.

The psychic alternative healing center of Chicago can help you overcome any negative energy or blockage due to traits or habits formed from childhood. we are here to help you live well, naturally! Call us at 773.596.9902 or email us for help today!