astrology and healing center Chicago
Our Chicago services

Our Astrology and Crystals practitioners are certified in many types of alternative healing. Explore our services to find alternatives to medication that focus on using natural elements and energy to balance and heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Many of our services combine Science and Technology with ancient practices to relieve pain, restore balance and energy to the body.

Services Available

Angelic Reiki – 30-minute session

Bio-Energy Healing – 35-minute session

Biopulsar Reflexology – 30-minute session

Chakra Tuning – 30-minute session

Cleansing – Times vary

Aura Cleansing
Broken Heart Cleansing
Frankincense Cleansing
House Cleansing/Blessing

Herbalist – Times vary

Indigo Children Healing Methods – Times vary

The Love Ritual – Times vary

Are you ready to find healing?

Call now to book an appointment or contact us via email!